For this week’s feature in visual arts, we discuss the highly talented artist, Ghaida AlGhanim. The artist stresses how important it is to be able to convey a message and know how to express it through her art. Not necessarily expressing this inspiration through words, but specifically through her art, “it’s like we all speak one language,” she says. Ghaida believes that what got her mostly interested in the art world is the process of finding out whom you are through your artistic journey and growing from it, and how art helps you express certain feelings that can’t simply be expressed with words.
What most inspires her is mostly the beauty around her and how we all need to appreciate the beauty around us, “inspiration comes from within your soul,” Ghaida mentions. She also states that one of her favorite works is her piece on racism, “I feel like it means a lot especially now that all this is happening in this world.” the artist claims. Fekr also believes that this is a very recognizable piece due to its depth and meaning. We believe that art should be used as a method to spread awareness on cultural and social issues, which can prominently be seen in Ghaida’s work.
As for the issues that some artists seem to be facing in the creative world, Ghaida gives us insight on how many people seem to be taking advantage of artists simply for exposure, instead of taking the time to appreciate their art, and the hard work and effort they put in their pieces. Also, the current pandemic has had an impact on all of our creativity, and the artist mention how hard it is to get inspired since most of us aren't able to leave the house, but she tells us that isolation can also be seen as a great way to enable a person to explore different and new ways to find inspiration, either through silence or self-reflection.
We asked Ghaida what piece of advice she could give her younger self just starting, and she told us that it's best to stay true to yourself, and not listen to any outsider’s input. The artist also told us; “Most importantly sometimes failure might just turn out to be the best thing that ever happens to you. Enjoy every moment in your life and appreciate it.”